
Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Did Pelosi Know, and When Did She Know It?

Today's Washington Times has an excellent editorial on the dilemma facing Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Even the Obama appointed Director of Central Intelligence is suggesting that his former colleague is a liar and that she tone down the rhetoric. Sadly, she has a long history of being fast and loose with the truth.

What is clear is that either the Central Intelligence Agency, and all those other Members of Congress they briefed, are lying, or Mrs. Pelosi is lying. When any such questions arose in the Bush administration, her response was to call for a Congressional investigation. Given that either the Speaker of the House or the Director of Central Intelligence is a liar, we believe that the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct should initiate a full and public investigation to settle the matter and take what steps are needed to remove the official that can no longer be trusted by the American public. The Committee on Standards of Official Conduct is divided equally, with 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans; they are in the best position to sort this out.

When Mrs. Pelosi was suggesting that the Bush Administration had politicized the Justice Department, she said: "We cannot let the politicizing of, for example, the Justice Department to go unreviewed. I want to see the truth come forth." Surely, at a time when good, trustworthy intelligence information is vital to Congress and to the safety of millions of Americans, this matter cannot "go unreviewed." Let "the truth come forth."

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