
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Christians, Here Come the Lions

From WorldNetDaily
By Pat Boone

WARNING: This column is written for, and addressed to, America's Christians only. Well, maybe devout Jews as well, but no one else. People of other faiths, or no particular faith at all, probably won't comprehend the looming danger or see anything to be concerned about.

But this is a three alarm, red alert wake-up call for people who are serious about their Judeo-Christian religion.
The end of our religious freedom in America could be at hand.

Can you believe it? In "the land of the free, the home of the brave," the one country in human history whose original purpose was to create and preserve absolute religious freedom for all? The nation whose foundational documents, its Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and its subsequent Bill of Rights, specifically guaranteed that government would absolutely keep its grubby hands off its citizens' freedom to exercise their faith however, whenever and wherever they choose?

Read the rest of this entry >>

1 comment:

  1. Great article --

    Some of us are Rwwwring right back at them, Pat!

    Happy Monday Dan...Best Wishes on the Sunlit News!!
