
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Former Gitmo Detainee Accused of Killing 3 Missionaries

And if Obama has his way, thugs like this will be resettled in your neighborhood.

From OneNewsNow
By Chad Groening

A best-selling author and critic of Islam says he can't understand why U.S. President Barack Obama and the United Nations are not expressing more outrage over the execution-style murder of three Christian missionaries in Yemen, apparently by al Qaeda.

According to a spokesman from the Yemeni Embassy in Washington, nine foreign nationals -- four German adults, three small German children, a British man, and a South Korean woman -- were abducted on June 12 after they ventured outside the city of Saada without their required police escorts.

Days later the bodies of German nurses Rita Stumpp and Anita Gruenwald, and Eom Young-sun of South Korea were found shot execution style in an area known to be a hotbed of Al Qaeda activity. The fate of the remaining six abducted people remains a mystery.

Terrorism experts say the crimes bear the mark of Al Qaeda, and they fear they are the handiwork of the international terror organization's number two man in the Arabian Peninsula -- Said Ali al-Shihri, an Islamic terrorist who once was in American custody but who was released from the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Robert Spencer is, director of Jihad Watch, says this illustrates the folly of Obama's plan to close GITMO and release potentially dangerous prisoners.

Robert Spencer"Freeing some of them is unconscionable, and essentially criminal. Barack Obama had begun to pursue a course based on the assumption that all the conflicts between the West and Islamic world are all our fault. Well what happened in Yemen indicates that that's a bankrupt and inaccurate point of view," he contends. "The President of the United States and the United Nations, if they were really doing their jobs, would be protesting."

Spencer points out that Christians are not allowed to proselytize in the Muslim world, and he believes that is likely why the three were murdered.

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