
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

From Our Mail: Urgent Action Needed on ‘Jail-a-Pastor/Protect-a-Pedophile’ Bill

From: Traditional Values Coalition

Re: Urgent Action Needed

Your immediate help is needed!!! -- The Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on the so-called hate crimes bill (S. 909), the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, this coming Thursday at 10 a.m.

  • S. 909 is a “jail-a-pastor/protect-a-pedophile,” bill. It will add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected minority groups under federal law. Neither of these terms are defined in the bill.

  • S. 909, the so-called hate crimes bill will protect a multitude of bizarre sexual orientations – including pedophiles and sexual sadists – but will threaten pastors who may give a Biblical teaching on the gay agenda. It ensures that crimes against a transgender, drag queen, gay man or lesbian are treated more harshly than a sexual assault on a child. Under this measure, pedophiles are a protected class. As a result, if a parent assaults a pedophile for molesting a child, the parent can be convicted of a hate crime and receive an enhanced sentence.

  • The Senate version is based on fake “Findings” to justify federal intrusion into local law enforcement.

  • The Senate version has no religious protection at all. The House version contained fake protections. A pastor’s sermon could be considered ‘hate speech’ under this legislation if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on ‘sexual orientation.’ The pastor could be prosecuted for “conspiracy to commit a hate crime.”

  • During debate over the House version of this bill (H.R. 1913), Democrat Alcee Hastings (FL) admitted that this bill will protect a multitude of bizarre sexual orientations!

Don’t be misled. Representatives and Senators are sending out misinformation about this legislation and what it will do or not do. Claims that it protects religious freedom are false; claims that it doesn’t protect a multitude of bizarre sexual orientations are also false.

(Watch the webcast of this hearing on Thursday morning.)

TAKE ACTION: Action is needed immediately to defeat the so-called hate crimes bill, S. 909.

  • If your Senator is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee call him/her immediately to urge a NO vote out of committee. Click here for list of Senate Judiciary Committee members.

  • You should also email both your Senators.

  • If your Senator is not on the committee, email him/her to vote NO when it comes to the floor for a vote.

  • It is very important to alert others. Please forward this email to 10 friends/relatives/co-workers.

  • Donate to TVC. We have worked hard and long to defeat this bill giving information to Senators and House Members and alerting the grassroots. We do need your financial help.

S. 909 is a very dangerous bill. It will threaten religious freedom, is built on lies and will protect bizarre sexual attractions. Following are articles based on the House version, which is virtually the same as the Senate version.

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