
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nasty, Unhappy, Liberal Bloggers

Followers of the South Carolina blogosphere might well wonder what is it about liberal bloggers that makes them so angry, vicious and hateful, not content to offer their own perspective, but determined to belittle and offend anyone who might disagree with them. The phenomenon is larger than a local psychopath or two. This rant from the Daily Kos about the Palmetto State may sound familiar:

Warning: Offensive language
By rogereaton

I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with the people of South Carolina? You want us to overlook the fact that you started a civil war, you elected this prick to the United States Senate for 47 years, you elected this ass hat Governor, you put this slimy bastard into the U S Senate after that prick, and that you still want to fly this above your state capitol building. Any of these 5 things would force most people of sound thinking to avoid your mostly backward ass state; but for some reason people have been willing to overlook these. Maybe it's because of your golf courses or maybe your very nice beaches. BUT NO MORE! I am telling the state of South Carolina to go to hell until you remove that slimy, two faced, double talkin, lie with a straight face, partisan hack, Lindsey Graham from the United States Senate.
Vulgar as this may be, I think we should be encouraged that South Carolina's ethos may actually be keeping rogereaton and his ilk away. Who knows, it may even encourage similar visitors to go back to Seattle or to whatever rock they crawled out from under.


  1. Love the blog. Love the picture of the doggy on the front picture. Can't stand nasty, unhappy, liberal bloggers. Serious - why the hatred and anger?

    That's why great Catholic websites and words are so important - we should take advice from the saints! Speaking of, have you seen this website?

    Best collection of Catholic quotes I've found - stumbled across it today. You may want to use it as a tool for your blog?

  2. Great site, Elizabeth!

    This quote about Scripture is awesome:

    "The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people."

    ~G. K. Chesterton

    True that, G. K. The saints also offer very inspiring words for everyday living. Today is St. Brigid's feast day. In one of her most famous prayers, she asks for a great lake of beer for our King of Kings -- and for Heaven's family to be able to drink from it through all eternity!

    What a gal!
