
Monday, June 22, 2009

Senator DeMint Introduces Parental Rights Amendment

Senator Jim DeMint's star in the political firmament burns brighter with every passing day.

We were delighted to read today that South Carolina's great United States Senator is the chief sponsor of Senate Joint Resolution 16, a Parental Rights Amendment that will explicity protect the rights of parents in the Constitution as a fundamental right and not just an implied right. The companion legislation in the House is House Joint Resolution 42, and was introduced by Representative Pete Hoekstra of Michigan.
The legislation seeks to protect states' rights from international law and treaties. DeMint explains:
"As we look at where this country is going, particularly [regarding] more association with the United Nations and [consideration of] the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, these treaties would supersede all the laws in 50 states."
Additional information about Senator DeMint's legislation and the parental rights movement is available here.

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