
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Christian Doctor Who Abstained from Gay-Adoption Votes Accused of Discrimination, Removed from Panel

A Christian pediatrician in England has been removed from the Northamptonshire County Council's adoption panel because she abstained from votes recommending children for placement with homosexual couples. The head of Northamptonshire's children's services believes that the doctor’s principled failure to recommend children for gay adoption runs afoul of the nation’s 2006 Equality Act.

“Men and women bring different skills and styles to parenting and children learn from both examples,” said Dr. Sheila Matthews. “Mothers are more nurturing and fathers are more challenging and the combination of both is best for the development of a child.”

“I have no wish to impose my views on others,” she added. “I only wish to be able to abstain from panel votes … I don't want to be put in a position of doing something I don't believe in. That is my human right. Instead I have been accused of discrimination.”

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