
Friday, July 3, 2009

Douglas Kmiec - A Man for This Season

For faithful Catholics and those committed to the pro-life movement, the most shocking betrayal many of us experienced in the 2008 presidential campaign was at the hands of Douglas Kmiec. In a column published by Slate in February 2008, Kmiec declared Obama "a natural for the Catholic vote," and demonstrated how ignorant the academically credentialed can be.

A Catholic legal scholar, Kmiec is a Professor of Constitutional Law at Pepperdine University. He also served as Dean and Saint Thomas More Professor at The Catholic University of America School of Law in Washington, D.C. Earlier, he served for almost two decades as a Professor of Law and Director of the Center on Law and Government at the University of Notre Dame Law School, where he founded the Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy. He was also appointed by President Reagan as the Assistant Attorney General and head of the Office of Legal Counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice.

Yesterday he was appointed by President Obama as US Ambassador to Malta.

In Robert Bolt's great play and movie, A Man for all Seasons, Sir Thomas More is convicted of treason, based on the perjured testimony of Richard Rich. More then notes a new chain-of-office worn by Rich. When told that his accuser has been named Attorney General for Wales, More responds: "It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. But for Wales?"

Or for Malta, Douglas?

Saint Thomas More, pray for us!

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