
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shock Video: Professor Gates Goes on N-Word Rant

'We're also trying to end what we call the one n-gger syndrome'

From WorldNetDaily
By Aaron Klein

A video has surfaced on YouTube of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. delivering a church speech in which he uses the N-word, rails against "racist historically white institutions in America" and accuses Newt Gingrich of attempting to block blacks from entering the middle class.

Gates became a lightning rod of racial controversy when President Obama defended the professor handcuffed in his home

last week by police in Cambridge, Mass.

"We are trying to end what we call the one n-gger syndrome – you know, this place ain't big enough for more than one of us," said Gates in the video, which was filmed in 1999 in the All Souls Church in Washington, D.C.

"We in the academy have to know that our people, those of us who practice African-American studies, have to know that our people are under assault," Gates said.

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