
Thursday, August 27, 2009

British Study Reveals 'Cruel and Neglectful' Care of One Million NHS Patients

A major report was released today on the abuse and suffering endured by patients under Great Britain's government-run national health service. It is a shocking glimpse of what Obama would impose on all Americans. The more than 100 comments that follow the linked story below shed even more light on a socialized medical system that The One holds up as a model.

One million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report released today.

From The Telegraph
By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards of nursing, often with 'neglectful, demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel' treatment.

The charity has disclosed a horrifying catalogue of elderly people left in pain, in soiled bed clothes, denied adequate food and drink, and suffering from repeatedly cancelled operations, missed diagnoses and dismissive staff.

The Patients Association said the dossier proves that while the scale of the scandal at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust - where up to 1,200 people died through failings in urgent care - was a one off, there are repeated examples they have uncovered of the same appalling standards throughout the NHS.

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