
Monday, August 31, 2009

Experts See Double-Digit Dem Losses

Americans are clearly aroused and angry that they have been duped by a smooth-talking Marxist.

The loss of freedoms, government takeover of the US economy, recruiting citizens to become informants and snitch on their neighbors, threats to free speech and the possible shutdown of talk radio, spending, taxes and deficits designed to exacerbate a national crisis, socialized medicine, health care rationing, contempt for traditional American allies and support for Marxist movements in this hemisphere and around the world, and unelected commissars in the White House governing outside the Constitution and any accountability to Congress, will not be tolerated by the American people.

However, we believe that the Marxist thugs in the White House are so contemptuous of the Constitution and American freedoms, that they will do whatever it takes to avoid the constitutional and political consequences of their program. We will not be surprised if they create an incident in which they will seize ultimate power. Whatever the outcome of this dangerous passage, the American people have awakened to what they are about. The Politico holds out the hope of big changes in Congress:

Experts See Double-Digit Dem Losses
From Politico

After an August recess marked by raucous town halls, troubling polling data and widespread anecdotal evidence of a volatile electorate, the small universe of political analysts who closely follow House races is predicting moderate to heavy Democratic losses in 2010.

Some of the most prominent and respected handicappers can now envision an election in which Democrats suffer double-digit losses in the House — not enough to provide the 40 seats necessary to return the GOP to power but enough to put them within striking distance.

Top political analyst Charlie Cook, in a special August 20 update to subscribers, wrote that “the situation this summer has slipped completely out of control for President Obama and congressional Democrats.”

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