
Monday, August 3, 2009

Judge Andrew Napolitano - Columbus Ohio Tea Party, August 1, 2009

"In the long history of the world, very few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. This is that moment, and you are that generation, and now is the time to defend our freedoms."

Napolitano's speech is an eloquent summary of what is at stake under a regime that would substitute the will of unelected "czars" for Constitutional freedoms, executive fiat in place of republican government, and the deadening hand of socialism for civic virtue and private initiative.

The regime is hoping that if they spend and tax enough in the middle of a deep recession, they can create unprecedented inflation, fear, desperation and chaos -- a crisis in which they can remake America in their Marxist mold. But as this rally and hundreds of community meetings are demonstrating, Americans will not be easily manipulated, nor will they surrender their freedoms at the behest of thugs from the corrupt, Chicago, political machine.

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