
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Most Americans Oppose Same-Sex 'Marriage'

Research still shows the majority of Americans are against homosexual "marriage."

From OneNewsNow
By Charlie Butts

homosexual marriageCarroll Doherty is a spokesman for the Pew Research Center, which conducted the research. "We found 35 percent overall in favor of it, [with] 54 percent opposed," he says. "The opposition is slightly higher than it was the last time about a year earlier, up from 49 percent, but these attitudes have been fairly stable for the past few years."

Then researchers asked participants their opinion of same-gender civil unions that grant most of the privileges of traditional marriage. "You've got 53 percent [in] favor. You really do get just a slight majority in favor of it, 39 percent opposed," Doherty adds. "So you see that [same-sex] marriage obviously draws much more opposition...."

The research indicated that African-Americans as well as born-again Christians are against homosexual marriage. About half of Democrats favor it, while Republicans oppose it nearly five-to-one.

1 comment:

  1. Bigotry at its finest: you say you are for freedom yet don't want to allow homosexuals to get married... a fundamental freedom heterosexuals take for granted.

    I'm sure if you had it your way, you'd still insist on separate bathrooms, schools and drinking fountains for blacks, too.
