
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama Is A Better Community Organizer Than We Knew

We don't give The One credit for much, but we have to hand it to him, he is turning out to be the best community organizer America has ever seen! Across the nation a majority of Americans are opposed to a government takeover of health care, angry about runaway spending and looming inflation, enraged about power grabs at the expense of free enterprise, refusing to accept crippling energy taxes, and fighting mad over attempts to stifle free speech and set up a network of government informants.

Obama has put Congressional Democrats in the position of having to cancel community meetings out of fear of outraged citizens. Representative Tim Bishop (D-NY) has cancelled all future meetings with constituents because as the following video makes clear, they reject the radical Obama-Pelosi agenda.

Hat Tip: DRVC Catholics

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