
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pro-Life Organizations Announce Major National Campaign to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions in the Obama/Pelosi Health Care Plan

The name of the campaign is called "Abortion is Not Health Care" and it will begin on Saturday, September 12, in Washington, D.C.

"Abortion is Not Health Care" will include public prayer vigils, rallies, lobbying, demonstrations and cutting edge pro-life witness on Capitol Hill.

There will be a large rally and 28 hours of prayer beginning Sunday, September 13-14 on the West Lawn of the Capitol.

President Obama and his team have said that taxpayer funded abortions would be included in his health care plan.

The campaign will focus on fighting to ensure that:

· Not one penny of public money is used to pay for abortions.

· The "Conscience Clause" is not removed from health providers that decline to perform abortions.

· No federal mandate requiring health plans to cover abortions.

· No state law restricting abortion would be invalidated.

· Planned Parenthood never becomes an "essential community health provider."

"Abortion is Not Health Care" is being organized by the Christian Defense Coalition and other national pro-life organizations.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,

"The most critical item on the pro-life agenda is stopping the Obama/Pelosi health care plan which includes taxpayer funded abortions. If abortion becomes part of a health care entitlement, it will add at least 25 years to our struggle toward ending the violence of abortion in America.

"If President Obama and Speaker Pelosi have their way, Pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals would be forced to pay for abortions. People of good will who believe that human rights begin in the womb would have to pay for the brutal crushing of that innocent life.

"'Abortion is Not Health Care' will be a public and prophetic witness to ensure that tax dollars are never used to diminish women and trample social justice.

"President Obama talks about being a progressive leader who embraces human rights and equality for all. It is tragic that he would turn health care, which is supposed to heal and bring comfort to those in need, into something that destroys innocent life."

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