
Monday, August 31, 2009

South Carolina Education Association Wracked by Union Troubles

A national education newsletter that focuses on labor issues is reporting that the South Carolina affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA) is having union troubles of its own.

According to the Education Intelligence Agency, "negotiations between the South Carolina Education Association (SCEA) and its staff are souring, with the staff union president asserting SCEA executives told employees 'that the South Carolina Education Association is two years from closing its doors.'"

The newsletter reports "this may be a negotiating tactic, but SCEA is a mess."

South Carolina's relatively small teachers' union has been losing membership for years to alternative organizations that offer teachers insurance and professional development, without the NEA's radical promotion of abortion, the homosexual agenda, and other left-wing causes.


  1. The SCEA, along with their admin buddies at SCASA, are the largest single roadblock to quality education and real reform in South Carolina. They are career coffee drinking educrats who dont deserve to the affiliated with the term "teacher(s)."

  2. The SCEA is one of the only groups in SC that are truly concerned about the high quality education of the children in the state and the equal treatment of the employees of all of the school districts in the state. they work hard on the behalf of teachers.

  3. The SCEA promotes quality education, nothing else!
