
Saturday, August 8, 2009

What Is Going On Here?

From American Thinker
By M. J. Motley

Alright enough already! Will someone please turn the lights back on and roll the credits for this week's episode of the Twilight Zone.

First we have the brazenly Orwellian directive from the Office of Health Reform/Ministry of Truth to contact our friendly snitchboard operator to report any "fishy" communications from our neighbors/political extremists. Then from Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs I learn that the National Guard is now looking for a few good internment/resettlement specialists?


Internment of whom?

I'm moving where?

As if the seeming overnight bankruptcy of our entire country were not enough to rattle our nerves, we have the White House's apparent confidence that it need not bother fretting over the appearance of totalitarianism. What is it that imbues these people to think that no-one will notice the unsettling parallels they have with unseemly dictators?

It is at about this point that I start trying to reassure myself that this can't really be as terrifying as it sounds. Then I remember this little clip entailing what Obama's former SDS friends had in mind for people like me. Many of whom, like Marilyn Katz & Andy Stern, are wandering the halls of the White House today.

Taken separately, the White House's asking Americans to inform on each other, the apparent creation of a new Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and the wild-eyed genocidal fantasies of 60's radicals would probably be enough to disturb anyone. hen taken collectively it becomes the substance from which nightmares are derived.

Let's re-cap shall we, One, there is now a White House sponsored, "community" driven blacklisting site. Two, we have a freshly created military specialty in our traditionally domestically-oriented National Guard that seems to be tailored towards gulag maintenance and operations. Three, the cherry on top of having subversive elements advising our Dear Leader who had frankly once proposed exactly these same Stalinesque measures including the slaughter of millions of their fellow countrymen!

Boiled down to nuts and bolts it looks something like this;

1) Locate, record and target.

2) Segregate, contain & re-educate.

3) Evaluate, assimilate or eliminate.

Throw in fantasy claims that Obama's opponents carry swastikas, emanating from the mouth of the person next in line after Vice President Biden in presidential succession.

Fantastical as it seems, and it is. I cannot help but recall the old adage about ducks, so modified a bit, if it sounds like Marx, and acts like Mussolini, it is probably Obama.

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