
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

African Kin Seek Obama's Help

Brother's Keeper? Still Not a Dollar for the Brother in the Hut.

From The Boston Globe
By Farah Stockman

fter Barack Obama was elected to the US Senate in 2004,
a delegation from the remote African village where his father was raised journeyed to Washington, seeking financial help. But Obama offered them advice, not money.

Now that Obama has moved to the White House, expectations of financial benefit have grown even greater in this tiny hamlet where water is still delivered to thatched huts on the backs of donkeys.

“There are still those who are waiting for him to send millions,’’ said Nicholas Rajula, a Kogelo businessman.

Dreams alone seem to be sustaining those counting on an economic boom in this rural corner of western Kenya, near Lake Victoria, where the American president’s father - also named Barack Obama - grew up and where many of his relatives remain.

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