
Saturday, September 12, 2009

DeMint Calls Out Obama and Congress: ‘Americans Are Awake, They’re Informed, And They’re Outraged’

People attending the Taxpayer March on Washington, Sept. 12, 2009 (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana).

From Cybercast News Service

By Terence P. Jeffrey

Speaking before a massive crowd of cheering protestors attending the “Taxpayer March on Washington” at the West front of the U.S. Capitol today, Sen. Jim DeMint (R.-S.C.) issued a challenge to President Barack Obama and Congress.

“I think you all know that the president has warned us that if we disagree with him, he is going to call us out,” said DeMint. “Okay, Mr. President, we are out. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Waterloo.”

DeMint was alluding to a remark he made in July during a conference call with people involved in the “tea party” protests that were then being organized around the country. “If we are able to stop Obama on this [health care reform] it will be his Waterloo,” DeMint said on that call. “It will break him.”

Later in his speech today, DeMint said that Obama and Congress need to start listening to the country and understand that “Americans are awake, they’re informed, and they’re outraged.”

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