
Monday, September 14, 2009

Eastern Europe Not Feeling the Love for Obama

The One promised a new era in United States foreign relations in which unilateralism would be replaced by a "resetting," collegiality, and everyone would love America again. And while Obama has apologized for America to the far ends of the earth, prostrated himself at the feet of Muslim royalty, and is ready to submit to UN mandates, in only eight months our traditional allies and true friends in the world have been snubbed, offended, and alienated.

Never mind, Fidel and Hugo Chavez seem to like him, and Kenya is proud!

From Breitbart
By William J. Kole, Associated Press Writer

Czechs feel betrayed, Poles irked, Romanians slighted. Ask them who's to blame, and the answer may come as a surprise: President Barack Obama.

George W. Bush fawned over Eastern Europe, and its leaders rushed to join his post-9/11 "coalition of the willing." Now many—officials and ordinary citizens alike—are grumbling over what they perceive as the Obama administration's neglect.

It's a startling shift in a region long accustomed to cozy ties with the United States.

"Now we see the beginning of indifference," said Tudo Salajean, a Romanian historian and researcher.

Read the rest of this entry >>


  1. They're not feeling it because he's about as useful as a "moldy onion."

  2. I think I know how the Eastern Europeans feel.
    They feel "Indifference," hell, I feel that way as an American when I gaze upon our current office-holder of The President.
