
Monday, September 14, 2009

Former Canadian Prime Minister Inducted Into Sodomite "Hall of Fame"

From LifeSiteNews
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who famously declared that the state had no business in the bedrooms of the nation and whose government subsequently decriminalized homosexuality in 1969, is one of the first five inductees of a soon-to-be-opened homosexual "Hall of Fame" in Vancouver.

Trudeau and four other homosexual activists will be recognized Sept. 19 at an event organized by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) under their Pride Network banner, "for their significant contributions to human rights and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Canadians."

In addition to his support for homosexuality, Trudeau was responsible for unleashing the anti-child abortion culture in Canada, which has made the country a world leader in the international de-population movement. The former prime minister also made substantial changes to the Criminal Code and divorce law, liberalizing Canadian regulations on the matters of contraception and divorce.

Trudeau, who the National Post's David Frum has characterized as "the most catastrophic prime minister in Canadian history," has also been heavily criticized by conservative commentators for having forced his Charter of Rights into the Canadian Constitution in 1982. The Charter has been repeatedly used by both government and special interest groups, most notably feminist and homosexual rights groups, to engineer court-imposed social changes, including homosexual "marriage."

Canada's abortion law was struck down in 1988 on Charter arguments, leaving the country with no law on abortion. Most criminal restrictions on pornography have also been struck down on Charter arguments. The Charter also gave teeth to the Canadian Human Rights Commission to impose its politically correct standards of behavior and thought on any Canadian who dares to challenge the liberal establishment Trudeau left as his legacy.

The scandal caused by the recent public Catholic funeral for Senator Ted Kennedy is reminiscent of Trudeau's funeral in 2000. Despite his having legalized abortion, divorce and homosexuality, Trudeau was given a state funeral in Montreal's Notre-Dame Basilica, presided over by the archbishop of Montreal, Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte.

The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), which is sponsoring the upcoming event where Trudeau will be inducted into the "Queer Hall of Fame," revealed itself as a prominent supporter of the homosexual agenda when in 2004 it joined forces with homosexual activists, and hosted its first "Gay Pride" reception to coincide with Toronto's "Gay Pride" parade.

At that event, CIBC chairman John Hunkin boasted "CIBC ... has a long history of supporting the Gay & Lesbian Community. In the mid-1990s, for example, CIBC made same-sex benefits available to its employees well before employers across Canada were legally obligated to do so."

"CIBC also had an opportunity to play a role, albeit a small one, in the legal battle for same-sex marriage," Hunkin continued. He described how employee Joe Varnell and former employee Kevin Bourassa became the first legally "married" homosexuals in the world. "As they embarked on their legal challenge to the common law definition of marriage, they received the support, encouragement and flexibility they needed from managers, colleagues and specialist groups at CIBC," he said.

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