
Monday, September 14, 2009

New Online Biblica Devotional Offers Support, Encouragement for Job Seekers

It's more than the loss of a paycheck.

When employees are laid off, they lose their sense of security, confidence, and professional identity. They lose their emotional equilibrium and struggle with sometimes-overwhelming fear, shame, depression, grief, anger, and insecurity. Worst of all, they lose a sense of hope for the future.

Individuals experiencing job loss need emotional and spiritual support to help them cope. For this reason, Biblica has created a free, online, downloadable resource, "Employing Hope: Rebuilding Life When You've Lost Your Job."

"We are experiencing an economic crisis unlike anything most of us have been equipped to handle," said Biblica Outreach Director Sues Hyde. "People need hope and encouragement to remain emotionally and spiritually strong in these tough times. Our hope at Biblica is that they'll use these resources and find them helpful, and that they'll feel comfortable sharing them with others in similar circumstances."

Twenty short Scripture-based readings and an introduction address the reality of unemployment while giving hope and encouragement through God's Word. Each one- to two-page devotional ties in applicable Scripture, gives reflection questions to consider, and suggests practical steps to take.

"Employing Hope" devotionals are located at They can be downloaded as a pdf file, e-mailed to friends and family, and printed out for further study.

1 comment:

  1. Job loss...Been there. Done that. Yep, still there. My heart goes out to those still getting 'pinked'.

    For me, losing my job was one of those defining moments in life. I knew I had a choice: I could choose to lose my way (my mind) or rise to the challenge and follow what my Spirit tells me to do, always remembering that I am more than a statistic on the news.

    I'll share with you what I was told the day I got "set free" (laid off) from my job: "This is a new chapter in your life. WRITE ONE HELL OF A CHAPTER!" And I did just that! Will you?

    So if you just need a break from the doom and gloom, let me send you a FREE book download (no strings attached, really!)

    Sign up now:

    Yes, times are tough, but it doesn't mean that we can't still 'give back' to one another. This is simply my way...

    take care,
    Louise Lewis, author
    No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!
