
Monday, September 21, 2009

A Note to Sunlit Uplands Readers

I want to inform our faithful readers that posting on Sunlit Uplands will be light at best for the foreseeable future. I remain very much in the battle, but have recently deployed to another battlefield here in South Carolina, where I will be addressing the issues and causes raised on the blog over the last two years.

As we have noted, the Obama administration deserves credit for rousing a great, sleeping giant -- the broad, patriotic, faithful, heartland of America. As Tea Parties in Washington and across the nation are demonstrating, Americans are demanding a renewed respect for the Constitution, fiscal responsibility, decentralized government, states' rights, and individual liberty. For our part, we will be working to ensure that "we the people" have representation in the United States Congress
that will preserve and strengthen this republic under God.

We will continue to post important items, our weekend features, and "Sunlit News" will be regularly updated. As always, reader submissions and suggestions are most welcome. It has been a great joy to see the very positive response to Sunlit Uplands and our steadily growing number of faithful readers. The response from friends and critics has been a great source of encouragement and motivation.

I look forward to resuming more regular posting after the Republican Primary of next June. In the meantime, please keep our efforts and our nation in your prayers.

Daniel J. Cassidy


  1. Oh, I so enjoy Sunlit Uplands. I wish you the best and I hope to see as many posts as possible!

    Pax Christi,


  2. We will continue to watch with great interest and hope for a good result in that primary. Go get 'em Daniel!
    All good cheer!
