
Monday, September 14, 2009

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding

From Fox News

The Senate voted to cut off ACORN Housing funds following the release of three videotapes that show employees of the activist group advising a "pimp" and "prostitute" on how to break the law.

The amendment, offered by Nebraska Republican Sen. Mike Johanns, passed in a vote of 83 to 7 and prohibits the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now from receiving funds from the current Transportation and Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill. It marks the third time this year Republicans tried to block the organization from federal funding.

The latest vote comes on the heels of the release of hidden-camera videos showing workers in three separate ACORN housing offices apparently helping a couple posing as a pimp and prostitute evade the IRS and apply for an illegal housing loan for a brothel.

ACORN Housing Corporation received $1.6 million to provide housing services to low-income communities in this fiscal year, ending Sept. 30, according to, a federal government Web site for tracking government grants.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants has given $8.2 million to ACORN in the years between 2003 and 2006, as well as $1.6 million to ACORN affiliates.

It wasn't immediately clear whether the offices shown in the videos had received any of ACORN's federal grant money for housing services.

1 comment:

  1. Great! Those ACORN bastards shouldn't even be in existence! They should ALL be put on trial for fraud and theft!
