
Friday, October 16, 2009

GOP 2012: Huckabee 29%, Romney 24%, Palin 18%

From Rasmussen Reports

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Republican voters nationwide say former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is their pick to represent the GOP in the 2012 Presidential campaign. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 24% prefer former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney while 18% would cast their vote for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gets 14% of the vote while Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty gets 4%. Six percent (6%) of GOP voters prefer some other candidate while 7% remain undecided.

These numbers reflect an improvement for Huckabee since July when the three candidates were virtually even. Huckabee's gain appears to be Palin's loss as Romney's support has barely changed.

The numbers for Huckabee and Romney look even stronger when GOP voters were asked which candidate they would least like to see get the nomination. Pawlenty came on top in that category with 28%. Palin was second at 21% while 20% named Gingrich. Romney and Huckabee were in the single digits with 9% and 8% respectively.

Huckabee and Romney are viewed favorably by 78% of Republican voters, Palin by 75%. Gingrich earns favorably reviews from 69% while Pawlenty is less well known and gets a positive assessment from 45% of Republicans.
Other data from the survey, including head-to-head match-ups with individual candidates, will be released over the weekend.
Republican voters are very confident their nominee could be the next President of the United States. Eighty-one percent (81%) of the GOP faithful say that it's at least somewhat likely the Republican nominee will defeat Barack Obama in 2012. Fifty percent (50%) say it's Very Likely.

Romney leads all prospects among voters who attend church once a month or less. Huckabee leads among more frequent churchgoers. Huckabee holds a huge lead among Evangelical Christians with Palin in second and Romney a distant third. Huckabee and Romney are essentially even among other Protestants while Romney has the edge among Catholics.

Romney leads among Republicans earning more than $75,000 a year while Huckabee leads among those who earn less.


  1. Daniel J. Cassidy,

    A good Catholic would be stumping for the Mormon. Not for Mikey. Not for Newt, the New and Convenient Catholic. Definitely not for Sarah Palin.


  2. Heidi, A good Catholic might stump for a good Mormon, but not one who has facilitated gay marriage, been on all sides of the life issues, and introduced a forerunner of Obama's socialized medicine in Massachusetts (a plan that is bankrupting that state.

  3. ) That was all before he got saved. But the Baptists will try to derail his campaign anyway.

  4. I think I'm a good Catholic, and I'm not even thinking about 2012 yet.

  5. A good Catholic would not be supporting Romney, who indignantly said when running for governor in 2002: "I do not take the position of a pro-life candidate." And opposed a state Marriage Protection Amendment that same year. And, two years after his alleged conversion on the issue, signed into law a precursor to ObamaCare which tax-funded abortion on demand for a $50 co-pay and statutorily gave Planned Parenthood a designated seat on the plan's governing board (with no corresponding seat for a pro-life rep). Who to this day thinks the Boy Scouts are wrong to have a universal policy prohibiting openly homosexual Scoutmasters. Who to this day (unless he's flipped again) endorses state-level "gay rights" laws. Etc., etc.

    Thanks, Dan Cassidy and other faithful Catholics, for not rewarding a guy who spent his entire political career (before running for prez) promoting abortion on demand and homosexual activists' political agenda.
