
Monday, October 12, 2009

Schwarzenegger Defies Voters; Signs Pro-Sodomite Bills Into Law

Yesterday evening Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 54 and SB 572, both authored by Senator Mark Leno, into law. SB 54 requires California to grant all the privileges and rights of marriage to same-sex marriages performed outside of California prior to the passage of Proposition 8 last year. SB 572 requires the governor to declare every May 22 Harvey Milk Day in California.

"This is tragic news for California families," state Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute. "The governor has chosen to completely undermine the will of the people -- the millions of Californians who have twice stated that they intend for only traditional marriage to be recognized in our state. By signing SB 54, the governor thumbs his nose at the initiative process and the voters who trust that their vote means something.

Last year the governor vetoed a bill identical to SB 572 that would have declared Harvey Milk Day in California. In his veto message, the governor cited the local influence of Milk in San Francisco, stating that Milk's recognition should not be mandated statewide.

"We don't know why the governor suddenly changed his mind and decided to impose a radical social agenda in every classroom," stated England. "One possible explanation is the influence of the governor's Hollywood friends. After a biopic on Milk received Academy Award recognition earlier this year, Hollywood political activists began lobbying the governor to sign the resurrected Harvey Milk Day bill. It seems that the governor places more value in the opinion of his Hollywood friends and their values than the values of the people who voted him into office."

The Harvey Milk Day bill was so controversial that the governor dedicated a phone line in his office to calls regarding Harvey Milk Day.

"The people of California have clearly spoken out against same-sex marriage and Harvey Milk Day, yet the legislature and the governor continue to push their agenda on our children," stated England. "Parents are outraged that their young children -- including kindergarteners -- will be forced to participate in activities 'commemorating' the life of a man known for his sexuality. Parents and voters are deeply disappointed and outraged by the governor's signing of these two unnecessary, agenda-pushing bills."

Read SB 54
Senate Votes for SB 54
Assembly Votes for SB 54

Read SB 572
Senate Votes for SB 572
Assembly Votes for SB 572

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