
Friday, November 13, 2009

Christian Defense Coalition Concerned about the Role of the FBI Under the Obama Administration

The Christian Defense Coalition wonders why their Director, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, was visited and questioned by FBI agents for leading a peaceful prayer vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Yet Major Hasan, who contacted Islamic terrorists multiple times, made threatening comments to the American military and considered himself a "Soldier of Allah" was never visited or questioned by the FBI.

Is it possible that Rev. Mahoney was targeted because he has been an outspoken critic of President Obama's record on human rights and social justice?

Federal agents came to the home of Rev. Mahoney to question him about laying roses and praying in front of the Chinese Embassy on June 4th of this year.

The purpose of the prayer vigil was to honor and remember the heroic students who were brutalized in Tiananmen Square 20 years ago and to call upon the Chinese government to protect human rights and honor religious freedom. (View Pictures here.)

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney comments,

"I was deeply troubled to have agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation come to my home and question me about my peaceful activities at the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.

"Those activities included conducting a prayer vigil and laying roses at the Embassy to honor the students who were killed in the Tiananmen Square massacre 20 years ago. We also wanted to pray that the Chinese government would honor and protect human rights and civil liberties in their country.

"It is even more troubling to realize that I was visited at my home by the FBI for peacefully exercising my First Amendment rights, yet Major Hasan received no such visit by the FBI for contacting Islamic terrorists multiple times and making threatening comments to the American military.

"How is it possible that a Christian minister is investigated and questioned by federal agents for holding a peaceful prayer vigil and a person who killed 13 people and had numerous contacts with terrorists was never visited or questioned?

"Is this the new policy of the FBI under President Obama? If you are a Christian minister and pray and speak out against the human rights abuses of the Chinese government and challenge the President on his human rights policies, you will be investigated by the FBI. However, if you are a Muslim who is in regular contact with terrorists and makes hateful comments against the American military you will be granted a free pass."

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