
Monday, November 30, 2009

The Great Man's 135th Birthday

Today marks the 135 birthday of our blog's patron, Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, the greatest man of the twentieth century, a valiant defender of freedom and Christian civilization, who, in the words of President Kennedy "mobilized the English language and sent it into battle."

We revere his memory and hope that all political leadership might always be measured against his imperishable standard. He was also a great historian who appreciated to his core the great patrimony that has come down to us from
from the fields of Runnymede with Magna Carta, to the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, the English Bill of Rights, the Glorious Revolution, and the American Declaration of Independence.

May his vision of an organic unity among all the English-speaking peoples, united by history, culture, religion and purpose, grow and protect a world too ready to embrace small despots.

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