
Thursday, November 5, 2009

One Catholic Priest, and Eleven Other Pro-lifers Were Arrested for Tearing Up Nancy Pelosi's 'Health Care' Bill

From Christian Newswire

On Thursday Afternoon, November 5, 2009, 12 pro-lifers were arrested inside or outside in the hall at Nancy Pelosi's office at #235 Cannon office building.

They entered, with two complete copies of the bill - all 2,000 pages (4,000) - and proceeded to rip it up, page by page, and strew it on the floor.

Approximately 150 supporters were in the hall, chanting: "Kill the bill!" About 10 supporters of the bill chanted, "Health care for all!" Aprox 30 police were on site, arresting pro-lifers, one at a time. No supporters of the bill were arrested.

Among those arrested was pro-life legend, Father Norman Weslin, age 78.

Raw footage of the protest follows:

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