
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sodomites Threaten Terrorism Against Christians

From the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission

After announcing the "Rally for Religious Free Speech" an event to challenge the recent Hate Crime Bill signed by President Obama, Rev. Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, a sponsor of the event, received a threatening e-mail saying, "I'll be in Washington on the 16th and I know what you look like."

"Because of the recent domestic terrorism at Ft Hood and the documented escalation of threats of violence by homosexual activists against Christians, we are taking all threats very seriously and reporting all such threats to the FBI," said Dr. Gary Cass.

In the fallout after Maine's voters recently rejected homosexual marriage, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has documented the increasing violent threats against Christians. Below is an exchange on a homosexual activist website reported by World Net Daily.
"All it will take is a small group of radical zealots who are willing to kill for their cause," "Fritz" wrote. "This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation. Our president must wake up and prevent this from happening. Otherwise, we will end up like Israel and Palestine. We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches." "Tex" responded, "You say this like it's a bad thing? Maybe a bit of well organized terrorism is just what we need, er, I mean 'civil disobedience.'"
"We will not let the homosexual activists intimidate us," said Dr. Cass. "It just makes us that much more determined to stand for biblical truth and to pray for God to grant them repentance and find forgiveness in Jesus Christ."

The Rally for Religious Free Speech will occur on Monday, November 16th at 1:30 in front of the Department of Justice in Washington DC. Ministers from various denominations will be preaching the biblical truth about homosexual sin.

The rally is intended to assert the right to preach in the public square the truth about homosexuality because the hate crime bill has had a very chilling effect on religious free speech. Under the bill ministers can be investigated and convicted by the Federal Government for incitement to hate crimes simply by preaching the Bible.

"We do not expect to be arrested, but we will not let this vague, unconstitutional law stand unchallenged. Will US Attorney General Holder stop a peacefully assembled group of clergy from preaching the Bible?" asked Cass.

The event will start with a press conference and a letter will be presented to AG Holder to express the multiple constitutional concerns the hate bill raises. Matt Staver of Liberty Council will be representing the group. After the event in front of the DOJ a prayer vigil will be held outside of the Human Rights Commission.


  1. I love that word. Sodomites. One hardly hears it anymore!

  2. When people have already crossed the line and denied the reality of God's laws, why would they hesitate to cross the line of terrorism & murder?
    If they would love the abortion of little babies, why not older innocent bystanders? They have no respect for God, man or even themselves. They need our prayers for salvation...
