
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New "Great Books" College to Honor C. S. Lewis

One of the great, counter-cultural, signs of hope in recent decades has been the establishment of "great books" colleges. Rather than a menu of trendy, politically correct courses from which students may choose, at the great books colleges students and professors mine the best works of western civilization for the truth. In small seminar classes utilizing the socratic method, students learn to think and defend that truth in debate and in writing. In this regard, we particularly admire Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California.

This classical approach to education is a growing movement and a sure antidote to much that ails the modern world. We were, therefore, particularly pleased to learn of a new college in the Oxford tradition, named for and inspired by the great Christian author, C. S. Lewis.

Property purchased by Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. from Northfield Mount Hermon School will become the home of a college to be established by the C. S. Lewis Foundation, the organizations announced Wednesday.

Hobby Lobby, a privately held national retail chain of more than 400 arts and crafts stores, purchased property in Northfield, Mass., from the Northfield Mount Hermon School (NMH).The property will become the home of C.S. Lewis College, a college of great books and visual and performing arts.

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