
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bill Connor Receives Boiling Springs Tea Party Endorsement

Tea Party Movement backing Connor for Lt. Governor

Bill Connor’s campaign for Lieutenant Governor showed more momentum today as he picked up the endorsement of the Boiling Springs Tea Party organization, an Upstate organization with over 3000 members.

“We believe that Bill Connor’s advanced service to his country uniquely qualifies him for statewide office,” said Maria Brady, the group’s spokeswoman, in a release Tuesday. “Bill’s service as the leading US Advisor in Southern Afghanistan is proof of his commitment to our nation, and is well illustrated by his Bronze Star.”

“Col. Connor has been involved with the Tea Party movement since the first Tea Party in South Carolina back in Greenville in February. He has since been involved in more than a dozen Tea Parties across our state. Bill is committed to the ideals of freedom and liberty that are at the heart of our movement, and has shown that commitment in his articles and his actions. We are proud to support his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor,” Brady concluded.

“I am pleased to have the support of this great group of conservative and liberty-minded activists,” Connor said. “I have spoken at Tea Parties around our state for the past year about the need to get back to the ideals our nation was founded upon. I believe groups like this herald a new direction for our Republican Party, one where we refocus our efforts away from big government and towards the principles of freedom our Founders gave us more than two centuries ago.”

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