
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Churches Across UK to Tune in to 3-Minute Warning Video This Sunday

Proposed Legislation greatest threat to "people's private expression of faith since the Reformation"

Churches across the UK will interrupt their worship this Sunday to watch a three-minute warning video about a so-called Equality Bill, promoted by the Labour government and due to be voted on in the House of Commons the following day.

Opposition is being spearheaded by Christian Concern for our Nation which has called the legislation "the biggest state intervention into people's private expression of their faith since the Reformation."

Director Andrea Minichiello-Williams points out that if the legislation is approved, churches will not be able to advertise for a "Christian youth worker", but just a "youth worker". The role of worship leader, often pivotal in any church, would no longer be restricted to Christians.

Williams commented, "Christians and Churches across this nation need to be aware that this bill has enormous implications for their day-to-day functioning. If it is passed in its present form, the Equality Bill will result in churches and Christian organisations having to recruit people to key positions who are unsympathetic to the need to reflect Christ and to worship Him through their work. That will in turn affect the way in which Jesus Christ is perceived by those served by the Church and its ministries."

The video to be seen in churches throughout the United Kindom follows:

British Christians are also urged to sign David Skinner's anti-Equality Bill petition on the No 10 Downing Street website, which again can be accessed via

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