
Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Great Web Destination - New English Review

We were humbled and grateful for the following plug today from the New English Review, one of our favorite websites. The very prestigious New English Review is a rich source for the finest scholarship and writing to be found anywhere. We know our readers will also appreciate this superb journal.

The Guid Scotts Tongue

Sunlit Uplands has YouTube videos of this interesting documentary hosted by Robert MacNeil which traces the influence of Scottish and Irish Gaelic on the language and the influence of the Scots-Irish in North America, especially the English spoken in the Appalachian region of the United States.

If you haven't visited Sunlit Uplands before, have a look around. It's a high quality blog with many interesting posts.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Dan! Sunlit Uplands is part of my daily essential reading.
