
Friday, January 22, 2010

Jim Lee First to Sign Club for Growth 'Repeal It!' Pledge

Jim Lee, the principled, grassroots conservative candidate challenging Bob Inglis, became the first candidate in the Fourth Congressional District House race to sign the Club For Growth's Repeal It! pledge:

The candidate pledge reads:
"I hereby pledge to the people of my district/state upon my election to the U.S. House of Representatives/U.S. Senate, to sponsor and support legislation to repeal any federal health care takeover passed in 2010, and replace it with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government."
Mauldin businessman Jim Lee, the only veteran in the race for the Fourth Congressional District seat, said, "The pledge does not simply represent saying 'No!' to our out-of-control and overreaching federal government. It also represents saying 'Yes!' to work for 'We the People' to develop real solutions that are consistent with the conservative principles of smaller government, fiscal restraint, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Real solutions that will actually result in lower health care costs without growing government and raising taxes."

Lee continued, "If the health care legislation currently before Congress were truly about reforming the system and not simply satisfying their own greedy self-interests, those of the lobbyists and other special interests groups, legislators wouldn't be prostituting themselves in secret back-room dealings to extract bribes in exchange for their votes. The process by which the proposed federal health care takeover has occurred is shameful. It is all too clear we don't just need different Representatives in Washington, we need different representation."

For more information, see Jim's website.

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