
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mike Huckabee: Join the Virtual March for Life

By Mike Huckabee

I am joining the Virtual March for Life today on Washington and I hope you will as well.

Last Friday, Americans United for Life launched the first Virtual March for Life to make sure your voice is heard as the real March for Life kicks off this Friday, January 22nd, in Washington, DC.

If you are unable to join fellow Americans in Washington, DC you can still stand and be counted by going to now.

It's very easy to do and will only take seconds. Go to this website, choose the “For Life” avatar for yourself and then we will place “you” in front of the U.S. Capitol building alongside other Americans marching online. The current health care bill with taxpayer funding for abortion is hanging in the balance, help make our voice heard.

Please go to to show your support for life, then forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to stand for life today.

So much is at stake in this moment. Join me today!

Marching for Life,

Mike Huckabee

PS Don't forget to choose the "For Life" avatar!

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