
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

South Carolina Senate Strikes a Blow for Liberty

This is a great day for liberty, and we thank and commend the South Carolina Senate for their support today of the sovereignty resolution (S.424).

Though symbolic, we hope that the House will quickly add their support to this resolution which could lead to the nullification of ObamaCare, should socialized healthcare be foisted on South Carolina by the Democrat Congress.

May this resolution mark a new-found determination by South Carolina's General Assembly to oppose ALL unconstitutional mandates flowing from the federal government. The heart of this reaffirmation of states' rights under the United States Constitution says:

That the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, by this resolution, claims for the State of South Carolina sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the United States Constitution.

Be it further resolved that it is the policy of the State of South Carolina that:

No law shall interfere with the right of a person to be treated by or receive services from a health care provider of that person's choice;

No law shall restrict a person's freedom of choice of private health care systems or private health care plans of any type;

No law shall interfere with a person's or an entity's right to pay directly for lawful medical services; and

No law shall impose a tax, penalty, or fine, of any type, for choosing a health care provider, to obtain or decline health care coverage or for participation in any particular health care system or plan.

Be it further resolved that it is the policy of the State of South Carolina that the Attorney General will challenge the constitutionality of any provision enacted by the United States Congress that would violate any of the policies established by this resolution and join with other states that are like-minded to make such a challenge.

Be it further resolved that no state agency, agent, department, instrumentality, or subdivision shall cooperate or participate in any way with any mandate passed by Congress upon notification by the Attorney General that the mandate has been successfully challenged in a court of competent jurisdiction, and further provided that there is not an order to the contrary by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Be it further resolved that the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, by this resolution, claims for the Citizens of South Carolina and the State of South Carolina freedom from all laws and mandates that violate the rights granted under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Be it further resolved that this resolution serves as notice and demand to the federal government, as South Carolina's agent, to cease and desist immediately all mandates that are beyond the scope of the federal government's constitutionally delegated powers.


  1. A step in the right direction. Many more are needed to arrive @ our destination.

    Thanks, Dan.

  2. Thanks to all who contacted their Senators! Without the constituent contact, this would not have been possible. -- Talbert
