
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Was Romney Doing at the Party?

In the most unlikely of places, Martha Coakley was the victim of voters' anger over state and federal governments that have over-reached in promoting a radical, immoral, and anti-Christian agenda, in their disregard for constitutional mandates, and in the massive debt and oppressive taxes being imposed on the working men and women of the nation.

But Martha Coakley was not the only loser last night.

There was a shameless, political opportunist who crashed the party but who will also feel the voters' wrath.
Most advocates of ObamaCare readily admit that the plan is based on a universal health care plan implemented in Massachusetts known as Commonwealth Care. That plan is the legacy of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and in the view of Democrats and Republicans in Massachusetts, it has been a colossal failure and is bankrupting the state. Even the state's Treasurer, a Democrat, has called the plan "unsustainable." More disturbing to many conservatives, the plan provides $50 abortions and is moving toward health care rationing. In fact, Governor Romney, while claiming to be pro-life, unconstitutionally established a permanent government seat on the state-run health care board for an unelected representative of Planned Parenthood.

Massachusetts has a constitution that forbids judges from even hearing challenges to marriage law and policy. In defiance of the law, Romney urged the legislature to legalize homosexual “marriage." When they refused to do so, he illegally ordered justices of the peace to perform same-sex “marriages.” As most of the nation's leading conservatives said in a nationally published newspaper ad in 2008:
"When a chief executive can violate multiple articles of the oldest functioning constitution in the world and disobey statutes he solemnly swore to defend and execute faithfully, then blame judges who never even asked him to intervene, he mocks the principle of limited government and the separation of powers. He robs Americans of their unalienable right to self-government, for which so many soldiers, sailors and airmen have died."
The former Governor of Massachusetts may have forced his way into last night's celebration, but when this deceitful phony is exposed for having significantly advanced sodomy-based "marriage" and the culture of death, he will be thrown out on his ear by a newly aroused and principled conservative movement.


  1. That photo of Mitt Romney is a real buzz killer. Thanks. Though I WAS of the opinion that some of the good fortune to fall on Massachusetts and our beloved Land of the Free last night could be partially accredited to Governor Romney's political machinations. He can fix most anything, you know!

  2. Romney started that party. It was his machine he loaned to Brown to get the campaign moving in the right direction.

  3. Correct partial summary of Mitt Zombie's legacy on all points except the following:

    "In defiance of the law, Romney urged the legislature to legalize homosexual “marriage."

    This is inacurate. Having secretly promised the "Log Cabin Republican" sodomy club (at a Boston bar for homosexuals during his 2002 gubernatorial run) that he'd use an anti-constitutional and legally void court opinion as a smokecreen to get sodomy-based pretend "marriage" past the people, the Zombie did exactly that. BUT he pretended that he was forced to give his illegal orders to public officials by the 6-4 Goodridge opinion (though he actually admitted that it is unconstitutional!)

    Thereafter, however, the Zombie posed as the defender of marriage and the Constitution. He "lobbied" the Legislature to restore the Constitution and rescue undoing his own illegal actions!

    After all, having governed like a Republican Barak Obama, he had to change his entire political act to get ready for the Republican presidential primaries.

    Scott Brown, by the way, is a Romney clone. He's every bit as pro-abortion, pro-sodomy movement, etc. as Romney, and he voted for RomneyCare. He may be the MOST left wing, anti-life, anti-Christian Republican in the U.S. Senate, and more left wing on moral issues than half the Democrats.

    As so many times in the last thirty years, whole world of lying has been done by "conservatives" and "Christians" to whitewah Scott Brown and win this election.

    John Haskins

  4. Written like a true Huckabee supporter. LOL.

    I'm sure you know that Brown supported "RomneyCare" and that Brown probably wouldn't have been elected in Massachusetts without Romney's support/campaign infrastructure.
