
Monday, February 8, 2010

The Continuing Scandal at the USCCB

Bishop William Murphy Dodges The Issue

From New York Catholics

In this latest installment on the scandal unfolding at the USCCB in Bishop Murphy's Committee on Justice Peace and Human Development, Michael Voris succinctly explains how Bishop Murphy is trying to sidestep the real issues at hand by painting this controversy as an attempt to attack John Carr.

As Michael says, John Carr, the Executive Director of Bishop Murphy's Committee which has been reported as funding numerous pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Saul Alinsky-style community organizing groups to the tune of millions of dollars, is not the issue here.

The issue is two-fold:

1) Did Bishop Murphy's Committee in fact give millions of dollars to community action groups that are sympathetic to Marxism, abortion and sodomy?

2) If Bishop Murphy's Committee is responsible for doing the above, what did Bishop Murphy know and when did he know it?

Bishop Murphy is accusing the Catholic organizations who are reporting the USSCB scandal, of calumniating John Carr, instead of addressing the allegations of mis-allocation of funds to the enemies of the Faith.

Here is Bishop Murphy's statement in a CNS interview:
"I'm concerned about these attacks on John Carr and I know they are false and I think they are even calumnious. I am taking this to be a very sad, sad commentary on the honesty of some people in these pressure groups."
As you can see, Bishop Murphy is trying to turn the substantive question of whether his Committee has given millions of dollars to groups which support the Culture of Death into an attack on his subordinate, John Carr.

Then, the Bishop launches into his own adhominem attack on the leaders of these Catholic organizations, Reform CCHD Now, Human Life International, American Life League, and Bellarmine Veritas Ministry, by suggesting that they are dishonest, vilifying calumniators.

Bishop Murphy, being a member of the episcopacy doesn't give you the right to try and destroy the reputations of these good Catholic people who are trying to get to the truth of what has been going on in your Committee.

There is only one relevant question here, which I'll repeat again: "Bishop Murphy, what did you know and when did you know it?"

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