
Monday, February 22, 2010

Extraordinary Measures Needed to Stop the Intransigent Marxist

As we predicted on Saturday, Obama has dusted off a new abortion expanding, tax raising, deficit hemorrhaging, economy destroying, trillion dollar assault on America's health-care system. He has shown himself once again to be more ideologue than leader, a Marxist determined to impose his will regardless of the overwhelming opinion of the American people, expressed in poll after poll. And he is willing to use any legislative loophole available in defiance of "we the people."

Voters in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts have rejected the radical Obama policies. A tidal wave of aroused Americans will soon sweep away the disciples of Obamunism.

In light of the President's intransigence, we urge that Republicans in Congress refuse to attend any Obama-orchestrated health-care summit. Republicans should not allow themselves to be used as props in anti-American schemes. Since the President has reneged on his oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," they should instead stand with the American people and plan for the day when Obamunism and its disciples like Pelosi, Reid, Frank and others are swept away, and lay the foundation for a complete restoration of the old republic and its Constitution.

America is at a crossroads as dangerous as any in its history. This maniacal tyrant must be stopped, and we hope that the American people and their representatives in Congress -- Republicans and moderate Democrats will explore extraordinary measures, including impeachment, to stop his demonic assault on our country and its Constitution. Does the next march on Washington need to prepare for civil disobedience and an extended stay until Congress sees the light?

1 comment:

  1. It will take a miracle for the long-legged mack daddy to survive a Birth Certificate Party AND Pastor Manning!
