
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Government Recruiting Clergy Agents; Christ's Declaration of Civil Disobedience

Romans 13 and II Kings chapter 11 -- Christ Commands Civil Disobedience

By Steve Klein

Many Evangelical Pastors preach us to obey the civil magistrate no matter what
- even Nero, Hitler or Stalin. FACT: U.S. Federal Government has recruited a number of pastors called the Clergy Response Team. The following presents such a clergy leader:

YET ... our 4 organic charters, The Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, the North West Ordinance of 1787 and the Constitution MINUS slavery command us to Alter or Abolish and Reinstitute. It was understood at the time of these 4 Organic Charters that they were all based on the Anglo-American Common Law which flowed from The New Covenant, the Law Written on the Heart as summed up in Romans 13:10. Agape is the fulfillment of all law. Love requires us to ALTER OR ABOLISH.

After Viet Nam I became a staff battle planner for the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. In Viet Nam I had engaged in front line war as a team leader, rifleman and translator of the USMC's Combined Action Program. Reporting to Viet Nam January, 1969 we marines were not allowed into combat until taught by the Battalion Chaplain the Rules of Engagement based on the 10 Commandments.

At that time (I have an official Department of Defense document proving this - a copy of the page is available) every Officer in the 4 main branches of the U.S. military were required to read that the Constitution of the U.S. was based on The Law Written on the Heart and the 10 Commandments.

We front line marines were taught to obey ONLY lawful orders with proper AUTHORITY and JURISDICTION: Orders in accordance with the Law Written on the Heart and the 10 Commandments. The Chaplain taught us when commanded unlawful orders, e.g., murder -- we were to work together to properly DISOBEY ANY commander, including a general. AND … if the commander persisted we were to organize enough men to relieve that commander of duty and deliver him to the PROPER authorities and prepare to stand trial.

This is no longer taught in the U.S. Military. Sadly, many evangelical pastors, The Clergy Response team, do not teach Alter or Abolish and Reinstitute based on Christ's command of Civil Disobedience.

1 comment:

  1. @ 1:38

    "Because the government is established by the Lord. Ya know?"

    Throw the b*stards out, starting at the House of God. THIS government is not of the LORD. Just ask Pastor Manning.

    Peter 4: 17 "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God..."
