
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ken Ard Calls Rudy Giuliani a Conservative ... Really!

Here is Lt. Governor candidate Ken Ard claiming that Rudy Giuliani -- the pro-partial birth abortion, pro-tax funded abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control former Mayor of New York, whose budgets funded abortions while he made his city a sanctuary for illegal immigrants and sued the federal government to end the line item veto so New York could get an earmark -- was "the most fiscally conservative candidate the Republican Party had in 2008."

Is it any wonder that South Carolina's RINO legislators support Ard?


  1. Last time I checked, abortion, gay marriage, gun control, and immigration were all social issues. And didn't I just hear Ard say he "vehemently disagreed" with Giuliani's stance on social issues? No one's going to argue that Giuliani is a social conservative, but can anyone claim that he would have been worse than Obama?- which I believe is the point Ard is making. Don't martyr the man for doing what he thought would keep Obama out. If more of us had followed suit, we might not have radical socialism being rammed down our throats right now.

  2. If the worst thing that Ken Ard has done is support Rudy Guiliani as President, I can live with that. I also supported Guiliani because of his leadership after September 11. I think he did a great job. Like Ken Ard, I did not agree with him on social issues, but I came to realize that no one man or woman could make abortions illegal. I think if anyone could, Former President Bush would have.

  3. Connor supporters need to listen better. Ken Ard said fiscal conservative not social conservative. With unemployment at 12% and higher in some areas of the state and the problems with educating our children you hope we can stick to the issues that affect the State of South Carolina. Instead of throwing out labels like RHINO

  4. It would seem that Ken Ard doesn't take the social issues very seriously if he can "vehemently" disagree with Giuliani on those issues and support him anyway.

    We don't need a John McCain or another Lindsey Graham in South Carolina.
