
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Never Before Seen World Trade Center 9/11 Photos

ABC News has posted never before seen photos of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the aftermath of the recovery efforts where some 2800 innocent people died, including those aboard hijacked flights American 11 and United 175.

We have an administration now that regards such terror as random, criminal acts, not the work of an organized terror network, and dismisses the idea that the United States is at war. Look at the pictures and ask yourself if you want terrorists read their "Miranda Rights," provided lawyers at taxpayer expense, and given all the protections of American citizens. Do you trust your family's security to that kind of thinking?

The photos, taken by Det. Greg Semendinger of the New York City Police Aviation Unit, may be seen here.


  1. If the Obama Administration dismisses the idea that we are at war, why have they killed more of the terrorists in Afghanistan, the people who really attacked us, than the the Bush Administration?

    Why was it ok for Bush to prosecute the shoe bomber in exactly the same manner as Obama is prosecuting the underwear bomber, but not ok for Obama?

    Obama can't ignore the Consitution any more than Bush was allowed to after he tried and failed.

    Stop letting you irrational hatred of Obama blind you to reality.

  2. Where have I ever said it was "ok for Bush to prosecute the shoe bomber in exactly the same manner" if in fact that is the case?

    If you think there is a double standard with regard to George W. Bush on this blog, you might want to browse its archives.

    The rights and protections of the US Constitution do not apply to enemy combatants. When they're at your door, blowing up your friends, and cutting off the heads of your family, you won't be so blind to reality.

  3. Anyone who believes this was a terrorist attack is living in a fantasy world. Take a look at picture 11 - how does a building collapse (implode) when only the top few floors were impacted. Can anyone explain how this could happen?

    When you look at photos of London during the blitz there were still shells and remanants of buildings even after countless days of massive bombings.

    If you take some time to do a little research on the internet you will know this was an inside job and as a result a whole multi-billion dollar industry surrounding terrorism has been created. I wonder who's holding the keys to that industry?

  4. Sorry, I'm not an expert on your blogging history. So... I take it then that you meant to say that we have yet ANOTHER "administration that dismisses terror" and all that?

    As a matter of fact, the rights and protections of the Constitution most certainly DO apply to people arrested and/or prosecuted in the United States.

    And the 9-11 atackers WERE at my door. Spoke to my brother on phone as WTC Tower 2 fell on him. He survived. Five other close friends of mine died.
