
Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama to Seek Broad Changes to "No Child Left Behind"

The following story indicates that the U. S. Department of Education spokesman is declining to describe specific changes the Obama Administration will be seeking to the current version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, No Child Left Behind.

We'll go out on a limb and predict those "reforms" -- more money for and less accountability demanded of teachers and administrators. After all, they are the only people who matter to big-government statists. Children don't vote or pay union dues.

From The New York Times
By Sam Dillon

The Obama administration is proposing a sweeping overhaul of President Bush’s signature education law, No Child Left Behind, and will call for broad changes in how schools are judged to be succeeding or failing, as well as for the elimination of the law’s 2014 deadline for bringing every American child to academic proficiency.

Educators who have been briefed by administration officials said the proposals for changes in the main law governing the federal role in public schools would eliminate or rework many of the provisions that teachers’ unions, associations of principals, school boards and other groups have found most objectionable.

Yet the administration is not planning to abandon the law’s commitments to closing the achievement gap between minority and white students and to encouraging teacher quality.

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