
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Patients in 'Vegetative' State Can Think and Communicate

Patients left in a “vegetative” state after suffering devastating brain damage are able to understand and communicate, groundbreaking research suggests.

From The Telegraph
By Richard Alleyne and Martin Beckford

'Vegetative state' brain scan images:: the fMRI images which were  used as part of the study by Dr Adrian Owen

'Vegetative state' brain scan images: the fMRI images which were used as part of the study by Dr. Adrian Owen.

Experts using brain scans have discovered for the first time that the victims, who show no outward signs of awareness, can not only comprehend what people are saying to them but also answer simple questions.

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1 comment:

  1. This is astonishing! Perhaps this can lead to some cure in the future. I still believe that miracles can still happen. We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds our future. Let us give these patients and their families some hope to hold on.
