
Friday, February 19, 2010

Steelworkers President Explains 'Why I Switched', Supports Right to Work, Opposes Card Check

Georgetown GOP chair Tom Swatzel has warmly welcomed James Sanderson, Jr. to the Republican Party.

Sanderson, President of the United Steelworkers of America local in Georgetown, S.C., has signed a statement declaring his support for the state GOP platform, including support for Right to Work and opposition to stripping the secret ballot in union elections.

We salute Mr. Sanderson and predict that he will be shown to be the true representative of working men and women in South Carolina who are so eager to flee Obama-socialism that they'll do the unthinkable this fall: embrace the GOP.

In the following column from Wednesday's edition of The Augusta Chronicle, Mr. Sanderson explains his reasons for joining the Republican Party:

Why I switched to Republican: We need jobs

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