
Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Totally Corrupt USCCB is Exposed

We have been reluctant to post this story about corruption well-known to us for decades. We remember seeing a parking lot full of Clinton-Gore bumper stickers at the USCCB offices, months after the 1992 elections. And all of our dealings with that organization and one of their state affiliates have made clear that this network, hijacked by left-wing ideologues, is more concerned with money, power, and advancing a political agenda, than it is with the Permanent Things and the Kingdom of God.

The Church is an institution that is both human and divine. As with any human institution, the muck and mire of sin that afflicts us all is present, manifesting itself from time to time. But this is a particularly dark age for the Church because many of those charged with teaching, governing and sanctifying, the bishops, have been timid, reluctant, or have refused to carryout their responsibilities.

The actions and omissions of certain American bishops cry out to heaven for vengeance. What has been exposed this week is pure evil. It is Satan operating within the Church. And it is long past time for laymen to refuse to fund any project of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is time to employ the great Catholic principle of subsidiarity, and to provide charity at the local level, individually, or through small, parish and local networks. It is time we let pastors know that we will no longer support diocesan fund-raising until a full investigation of the USCCB corruption is undertaken, a house-cleaning is carried out, and those responsible have repented and been retired.

If the American bishops are incapable of "fraternal correction," and it appears that they are, Rome should intervene to remove the quislings on the staff of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and hold their employers accountable. We cannot wait for this scandal to resolve itself through time and attrition. The work of thousands of good and holy priests, nuns, religious brothers and sisters, and laymen is being undermined by a handful of corrupt and incompetent bishops and their agents.

Light vanquishes the darkness, and we believe that Christ is purifying His Church through the revelations and humiliations of recent years. We continue to believe that there are many holy shepherds in the Church, led by a great successor of Peter, who is healing ancient wounds and divisions and valiantly building up the Kingdom of God. We will pray for that renewal.

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