
Friday, March 5, 2010

Dutch Catholics Protest Parish Compromise with Gay Activists

From Catholic World News

Dutch Catholics are organizing a petition drive in support of a parish priest who refused to distribute Communion to homosexual activists, and criticizing the bishop who apparently pressured the priest to compromise his position. The petition, organized by the magazine Catholica praises the pastor, Father Luc Buyen, but laments that he "has been attacked by homosexuals and then left in the cold by his own Church." The protest criticizes Bishop Antonius Hurkmans of Den Bosch, who said that everyone should be admitted to Communion, on the assumption that the faithful are responsible for examining their own consciences before doing so. That statement prompted homosexual activists to lift their call for demonstrations at the parish, where scores of protestors-- some wearing fright wigs-- had attended Mass last Sunday, preparing to present themselves for Communion in defiance of the priest's directive.

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