
Thursday, March 18, 2010

From Our Mail: Code Red Turning Up the Heat

From: Johnny De Stefano

Re: Code Red and Today's Health Care Targets

With the public rejecting their government takeover of health care, and Code Red turning up the heat, Democrat leaders are twisting arms and playing hard ball to ram this thing through.

There have been reports of conservative Democrats being on the receiving end of “intense pressure tactics” and “thinly veiled threats.” AP says they’ve even gotten “blunt messages” from union bosses. Well let’s make sure they hear from everyday Americans too. Here are today’s targets:

Our Code Red effort is picking up a lot of national attention. Yesterday, both NBC’s Today Show and CBS Evening News highlighted it during their broadcasts. Politico said our website,, has “become a hub for organizing” against the health care takeover.

The more attention we get, and the more lawmakers hear from us, the harder Speaker Pelosi has to work to convince Democrats to vote with her. That’s why your calls and emails are so important.

So please keep it up: believe me, with your help we’re making a big impact.


PS, Every morning, from now until the vote occurs, I’ll be highlighting a new set of targeted Democrats for Code Red volunteers to contact. So please forward this email encouraging your friends and family to visit and sign up if you think they’d be interested in these updates. Thank you again for all of your hard work!

Johnny DeStefano|
Political Director | Republican Leader John A. Boehner
Deputy Executive Director |National Republican Congressional Committee

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