
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Geithner Tax Debt Forgiven; Car Wash Owes 4 Cents

"We're from the government and ..."
From Fox News

California car wash owner says he’s rather amused after two Internal Revenue Service agents visited his business to demand he pay a debt – of four cents.

"I come to work, and my manager says, you're not going to believe this. A couple of IRS agents just came in here demanding payment for back taxes," Aaron Zeff told Fox 40 KTXL Sacramento. "I looked at the letter and I couldn't believe what I saw. The number was astonishing. Four cents."

But with late fees on those pennies and penalties dating back to 2006, Zeff says the taxman now wants to collect a total $202.35, the TV station reported.

Zeff’s attorney told Fox 40 that Harv's Car Wash always pays its taxes and “never had any issues like this come up.” Zeff said he would have paid the amount owed if he had been notified, but he said the only notice he received from the agency was a letter saying he had filed his returns and didn't owe any more money.

Still, in the event the attorney can’t sort this all out, Zeff's customers have been more than happy to pitch in to help, Harv's Car Wash cashier Ana Makhely told Fox 40.

"Oh, it's been hilarious. People have been coming, like, would you like four cents? Help you out with your little bills," she said.

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